Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
University of Washington
ARAB 411/551
Spring Quarter 2023
Class Time: Wednesday 1:30 pm - 3:20 pm
Location: Denny 258
Instructor: Dr. Hussein M. Elkhafaifi
Office: Denny M 220C
Phones: Office: 206 543 9596
Office hours: By appointment
Song is a powerful medium that conveys authentic messages and provides rich linguistic input in an emotionally engaging manner. In this course we will dig deep into songs for the cultural knowledge they contain. Songs are both the object of study and a starting point for broader discussion and writing. We will examine both language and culture through the prism of song.
Songs are compact, authentic, and filled with cultural and linguistic information. Rooted in the social, cultural, and political discourse of their language communities, they may be easily internalized, providing grammatical models for language production, and enabling students to develop their listening and speaking skills, as they improve their accent and intonation in Arabic and expand their vocabulary and cultural knowledge.
Upon completion of this course, students will:
- Be exposed to different genres of songs, religious, romantic, popular, and patriotic.
- Trace the development, use of language and change each genre has gone through.
- Be able to understand the language used in the songs.
- Hone in on listening skills especially in connected speech.
- Refine their pronunciation of Arabic.
- Sharpen their grammar and vocabulary skills.
- Analyze the context and conditions in which the song was sung and its effect.
- Understand the cultural connotations not only of the linguistic terms and idioms used in the song but also the cultural concepts pertaining to the conditions and events behind the lyrics of the songs.
- Analyze the collective influence songs generated as a result of the singer’s performance and popularity of the lyrics and music.
- Discover new cultural nuances and concepts present and particular to the Arab world.
All readings and links to videos are provided on the Canvas course website
Assignment |
Weight |
Participation & Attendance |
15% |
Composition |
15% |
Story |
20% |
Discussion Board |
15% |
Project |
25% |
Presentation |
10% |
100% |
Please check the Grading Scale at the end of this syllabus.
Incompletes are only permitted as defined in writing by the University of Washington, within the limits outlined by UW academic policy.
I expect you to attend every class unless you let me know in advance. Keep in mind that 15 percent of your course grade is based on class participation, and that the only way to participate in class discussions and activities is to be there for them. Active participation in class is essential. Students cannot participate if they are not in class. There is no substitute or “make-up” for class participation. If you miss class (for any reason), you will not receive participation credit for that day. You are expected to attend all classes and to arrive on time. Class participation includes doing the assigned readings PRIOR to class, posing and answering questions in class, as well as taking part in class discussion in a substantive way each week.
The policy of the UW curriculum committee is that each credit multiplied by 3 is the amount of time a course should take per week. Thus, this course requires 15 hours per week of work, including time spent attending class, studying, and doing homework.
This quarter you will respond to two prompts for each song presented in class. You will write a brief summary of the song, and then provide your own opinion of the song. Use the Composition Template in Files to guide your writing. Upload your composition typed in Arabic, size 14 font. No handwritten submissions.
This quarter, you will complete creative writing assignments based on each song presented in class. These assignments will enhance your understanding of the stories in the songs, while increasing your command of Arabic vocabulary and grammar. Rather than simply retelling the song’s story, you will complete a series of exercises designed to help you develop ways of expressing yourself within the context of the song. Use the Story Template in Files to guide your writing. Upload your story typed in Arabic, size 14 font.
Your active discussion of the class readings and songs is part of your class participation requirement. You must submit at least two comments, and pose at least one question to the group, via the Canvas discussion board and contribute to classroom discussion in a substantive way each week. Please use the discussion board to pose course-related questions for your classmates concerning the assignments, readings or lectures. I’ll read the postings, but mostly be quiet. I want this to be a place where you can think out loud together about course content, without intrusion from me. Type your contributions in Arabic. Do not wait until the last minute to post your comments, leave ample time for responses. Check often to see if new comments have been submitted and post your own early. Comments submitted after class will not be counted.
Each student is required to research a topic related to the role of music and song in the Arab world. The topic is your choice, but it has to be approved by me. You should notify me of your paper’s topic no later than Friday May 6th. Details about the content and format of the paper will be announced in class and posted on Canvas. On Wednesday, May 31st, the last day of class, each student will give a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation on their song. The written paper is due on Tuesday, May30th. Upload your Word file (do not submit a PDF) to Canvas by 11:59 pm. The written paper counts for 25% and the class presentation counts for 10% of the overall grade. Upload your paper typed in Arabic, size 14 font.
For the presentation (Wednesday, May 31st). The presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes (to allow everyone to have time to present.) You must use PowerPoint. The PowerPoint must be uploaded to Canvas by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, May 30th.
Student Conduct
The University of Washington Student Conduct Code (WAC 478-121) defines prohibited academic and behavioral conduct and describes how the University holds students accountable as they pursue their academic goals. Allegations of misconduct by students may be referred to the appropriate campus office for investigation and resolution. More information can be found online at
UW strives to create a welcoming environment for all students. Please speak to or email the professor for assistance related to inclusion in the classroom learning community. Examples are personal pronouns, disability, neurodiversity, accommodations, privacy, disclosure, religious observance schedules, and learning preferences. When there is a safe and open atmosphere for discussing our diversity, it creates a better learning environment for all.
Access and Accommodations
Your experience in this class is important to me. It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please activate your accommodations via myDRS so we can discuss how they will be implemented in this course.
If you have not yet established services through DRS but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), contact DRS directly to set up an Access Plan. DRS facilitates the interactive process that establishes reasonable accommodations. Contact DRS at
Religious Accommodations
“Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy ( Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form (”
أتمنّى لكم التوفيق والنجاح |
Grading Scale
% |
% |
≥ 95 |
4.0 |
84 |
2.9 |
73 |
1.8 |
94 |
3.9 |
83 |
2.8 |
72 |
1.7 |
93 |
3.8 |
82 |
2.7 |
71 |
1.6 |
92 |
3.7 |
81 |
2.6 |
70 |
1.5 |
91 |
3.6 |
80 |
2.5 |
69 |
1.4 |
90 |
3.5 |
79 |
2.4 |
68 |
1.3 |
89 |
3.4 |
78 |
2.3 |
67 |
1.2 |
88 |
3.3 |
77 |
2.2 |
66 |
1.1 |
87 |
3.2 |
76 |
2.1 |
65 |
1.0 |
86 |
3.1 |
75 |
2.0 |
64 |
.9 |
85 |
3.0 |
74 |
1.9 |
63 |
.8 |
62 |
.7 |
Per UW policy I cannot discuss grades via email. Please make an appointment to talk in my office if you have concerns.