MODHEB 101 A: Elementary Modern Hebrew

Autumn 2024
MW 9:30am - 11:20am / ART 004
Section Type:
Joint Sections:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

שלום וברוכים הבאים לשיעור עברית מודרנית סתיו 2024

The sequence MODHEB 101, 102 & 103 is a full year course of Elementary Modern Hebrew. In fall 2024, we will have hybrid course in which both synchronous and asynchronous formats will be used. Class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays in person, and on Fridays a asynchronously with content offered online for eleven weeks and will complete chapter 4 in our textbook.


Course Information & Online Resources

The plan is to meet on Mondays & Wednesdays at 9:30-11:20 am (Seattle time) in person at Art Building #004. Fridays will be used to review and work on online content or other projects asynchronously. You are required to have access to our course Canvas webpage. Access to Canvas is necessary for completing readings, homework and other assignments.


Course Policies

  Expectations of students:

  • Come to class fully prepared.
  • Attend all in person classes and actively participate in the forum.
  • Complete assignments on time. If difficulties turn up (such as illness, caring for others who are ill, technological problems, etc.), let me know. We will figure out what to do to keep your learning on track.
  • Abide by the standards of academic honesty and student code of conduct.
  • Seek help. I’ll do my best to help you succeed in this class.


Course Etiquette:

  • Get to class on time. 
  • Keep phones and other devices from making any noise or disruption.
  • Respect each other.


The goals of this course are:

1) Ability to write and to read both print and script

2) Ability to participate in and understand basic conversation on everyday topics

3) Ability to compose and understand simple written materials on everyday topics

4) Acquisition of a vocabulary of approximately 1000 words

5) Understanding of the principles of the structure of the Hebrew language

6) Basic acquaintance with the culture expressed through the Hebrew language


Course Material: 

1) Textbook: Shalom 1 – שלום ב, Orly & Shalom Shoer, ISBN-13: 978-1547049660. This textbook is accompanied by a website available at

2) Course packet - available on Canvas.  

3) Quizlet - online learning tool, which includes class related activities and flashcards with all the vocabulary. 

4) Online dictionary available at:  


Please note that the weekly lesson plan and homework are listed on Canvas. Importantly, this is a tentative plan, and the instructor has the right to change it as she sees fit. If a student missed a class or more, it is his/her responsibility to catch up, find out what material covered, the revised plan, homework or other assignments.

Complete copy of the syllabus: syllabus fall 2024.pdf

Catalog Description:
Modern Israeli Hebrew. Core vocabulary, grammar, conversational text, and oral and written communication. Excerpts from modern Hebrew prose and poetry. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between MODHEB 101; MODHEB 102; MODHEB 103; and MODHEB 105.
Last updated:
January 30, 2025 - 6:19 am