Course Information & Online Resources
The plan is to meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30-11:20 am (Seattle time) in person. Fridays will be used to review and work on online content or other projects asynchronously.
Types of Communication
In an online course, our communication will be visible to all. For private communication, we will use individual email and Zoom office hours.
In-Person Course Policies
Expectations of students:
- Come to class fully prepared.
- Attend classes and actively participate in the forum.
- Complete assignments on time. If difficulties turn up (such as illness, caring for others who are ill, technological problems, working from home where children need attention, etc.), let me know. We will figure out what to do to keep your learning on track.
- Abide by the standards of academic honesty and student code of conduct.
- Seek help. I’ll do my best to help you succeed in this class.
- Get to class on time.
- Respect each other.
Course Material:
1) Textbook: Shalom 3: A comprehensive course in Modern Hebrew – שלום ג, Orly & Shalom Shoer. This textbook is accompanied by a website available at
2) Course packet.
3) Quizlet - online learning tool, which includes class related activities and flashcards with all the vocabulary.
4) Online dictionary available at:
Complete copy of the syllabus: syllabus winter 2024.pdf
Prerequisites MODHEB 201 or permission of the instructor.