EGYPT 102/512: Introduction to Hieroglyphic Egyptian II
Instructor: Prof. Noegel
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The courses focuses on close readings of hieroglyphic Egyptian texts written mostly during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040-1782 BCE), though if time permits we will make out move into New Kingdom (ca. 1539-1075) texts as well. Our close readings will focus on language acquisition while also studying various elements of a syntactical, lexical, and literary nature, while noting liguistic changes that occur over time. Prerequisite: Egypt 101/511.
Grading: Undergraduates
40% Preparation of in-class readings
55% Textual edition of each text we study (transliteration, translation, dictionary citations, and various literary and other observations)
5% Improvement
Grading: Graduate Students
35% Writing or other project to be agreed upon by student and instructor
55% preparation of in-class readings
10% improvement
Required Texts
1. Gardiner, Sir Alan, Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of
Hieroglyphs Third Edition (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 1988).
2. Faulkner, Raymond O., A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Oxford: Ashmolean
Museum, 1988).
3. Allen, James P., Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Third Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
4. Junge, Friedrich, Late Egyptian Grammar: An Introduction. David Warburton, Trans. Second Edition (Oxford: Griffith Institute, 2005).
5. Egyptian texts in pdf. format. I will provide all the books and texts electronically.
Course Schedule
Our goal will be to make our way through several Egyptian texts, beginning with the Tale of Sinuhe. Depending on how the course goes this could include five or more texts. We will proceed chronologically so as to make any changes in the script and language more obvious. We will discuss in advance which text will be next in case you want to work in advance.