
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Sex in Sixteenth-Century Istanbul. In: Wiesner-Hanks ME, Kuefler M, eds. The Cambridge World History of Sexualities. v. 3. Cambridge University Press; 2024:191-209. Publications, Articles
"Edebiyatı Dizgeye Getirmek: Köprülü’nün İlk Darbesi Olarak “Türk Edebiyatı Tarihinde Usul" Usulden Yönteme M. Fuad Köprülü'nün Edebiyat Tarihçiliği (İstanbul: VakıfBank KültürYayınları 2023), 17-30. Publications, Film/Video
"Early, Yet Already Late: Literary Musings on Historical Questions." Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, vol. 7 no. 1, 2020, p. 55-57. Project MUSE Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
“Israel in Jewish American Literature. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Jewish American Literature. Ed. Hannah Wirth. Cambridge University Press, 2015. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Andrews, Walter G. "William M. Reddy. The Making of Romantic Love: Longing and Sexuality in Europe, South Asia, and Japan, 900–1200 CE." American Historical Review 118, no. 4 (October 2013): 1147-1148 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Terri DeYoung (trans.) and Issa J. Boullata (trans.), IBN 'ABD RABBIH: THE UNIQUE NECKLACE (AL-'IQD AL-FARID), Vol. III. Garnet Publishing, 2011, 317 pages. Publications, Translations
Naomi Sokoloff, The Boundaries of Jewish Identity, Co-edited with Susan Glenn (University of Washington Press, 2010).  Publications, Books
Terri DeYoung (trans.) and Issa J. Boullata (trans.), IBN 'ABD RABBIH: THE UNIQUE NECKLACE, VOL. II, Garnet Publishing, 2009, 327 pages. Publications, Translations
Volokhine, Youri, David Frankfurter, and Michael A. Williams. "Book Reviews." Numen: International Review For The History Of Religions 53, no. 3 (July 2006): 385-401. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Please click here for a link to Professor Noegel's research. Publications